|D meaning and definition

|D meaning

1.)An emotioncon that resembles the very smile you use when you're in serious trouble.

|D meaning

|D is a smiley face usually used when you're in trouble or in a situation you'd rather be out of.

Read also:

-D meaning

The fourth letter in the alphabet.

d00 meaning

Dude! or the one who Do!

d00000000000000000000d meaning

an exagerated way to catch someones attention. way to use this word: you must drag the "o" sound as long as you feel nessasary of the importance of the issue. must be dragged out for more than 3 seconds. If not you fail at life.

d00b meaning

d00b is slang for a joint or a spliff. Tramps and strange fucked up children smoke this.

d00bage meaning

What you smoke when your a rasta hax0r.

d00d meaning

Dude in leet.

d00d3r meaning

d00d a way of calling someone

d00de meaning

A word/number that is interchangeable with the word dude. Used by computer nerds or people on AIM wishing to piss eacher off.

d00der meaning

dude, dudette, etc......................

d00dz meaning

An affected form of the term "dude", used to refer to men.