-_o meaning and definition

-_o meaning

Smiley for boring or going to sleep

Read also:

-o_, meaning

This is a duck, it is formed on the internet by means of characters !

-o- meaning

an ounce

\o meaning

Wavin' man. Can be used to say hi or to get attention.

\\o meaning

Alternative definition of lol, used in games such as Tactical Ops

\o_ meaning

\o_ means "Respect" or Hats off to others opinion or point of view, consideration of others views and desires. Possibly incorporating it into your views or replaces your view. When you respect another, you factor in and weigh their thought or opinion into your's and balance it into your decision making.

o_│ meaning

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o_- meaning

This face is usually used by those that are bored depicting that one is half asleep with one eye open.

o\ meaning

A salute, usually meaning yes sir.

¦-O meaning

If you are really bored, it's a good place to use this emotion.

_O_ meaning

The official emotocon of spread butt cheeks. Usually followed by <----8