AARP meaning and definition

AARP meaning

The voice of senile people!

AARP meaning

1)Well organized gang of shakedown artists running a protection racket, extorting usurious payoffs from honest businesses using the tactical codewords 'Senior's Discount'. Using tactics not dissimilar to those of organized crime, differing only in its blatant daylight robbery nature and its quasi-legitimacy as an NGO. 2) The Political wing of the notorious Grey Panthers.

AARP meaning

How old people get things cheaper.

AARP meaning

An acronym for African American Retirement Planning. Sometimes used as a verb. The practice of filing a (possibly specious but nonetheless prosecutable) discrimination suit against one's employer in order to pocket a hefty settlement.

AARP meaning

(v.) flirting or getting hit on by a person fifteen or more years, one's senior. In reference to a female, aarping around. In reference to a male, aarping it up. The former carries a negative connotation.

AARP meaning

The sound an old man makes sitting in a beanbag chair.

AARP meaning

The loud belches that old people tend to make involuntarily.

Read also:

AARP Hymen meaning

The gynecological instance then the vaginal walls of an older women fuse due to lack of sexual activity

aarping meaning

When an elderly person is using the restroom.Esp. when he/she is taking a long time.

aarpsupial meaning

A retired person with an active lifestyle who keeps his or her valuables in a belt-pouch during power-walks.

Aarptard meaning

An elderly person who by decision or mental impediment refuses or is unable to keep up with the path of progress and technological advancement, insisting on doing things the "good old way" completely clueless to the inconvinience they are causing to others around them.

aarrgghh meaning

A word you say when you are very frustrated.

aarrgh meaning

The triumphant battle cry of an aeronautical pirate.

aarrghh meaning

An acceptable word in scrabble, believe it or not.

Aarron meaning

Aarron:A legend among men and women, confident and funny, smart and intelligent. A people person

Aarrrgasm meaning

n: The act of achieving sexual climax whilst either dressed as a pirate, or watching pirate-themed pornography.


A noise someone exclaims when he/she desperately needs something-for instance, a new PC.