ABM Treaty meaning and definition

ABM Treaty meaning

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty - Agreement Signed in Moscow in 1972 between the former Soviet Union and The United States, in which both parties agreed that each may have only two ABM deployment areas, so restricted and so located that they cannot provide a nationwide ABM defense or become the basis for developing one. This Treaty effectively reduced the the vast nuclear weapons capabilities of both nations and helped usher in a new era of non-proliferation. However in 2001, President Bush announced that he would withdrawal from this treaty, essentially slapping the global community, and one of America's biggest allies (Russia) in the face, and possibly launching America into a new cold war.

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ABN meaning

Asshole By Nature

abnab meaning

An anacronym for the Area Between (your) Nuts And Butt ABNAB. In the Submarine Service. This was niether approved or sanctioned by the Navy, just the crew members

Ab Nada meaning

A thing or activity that is with out exception non existent. Short for absolutely nothing.

Abnasty meaning

When a person has a lot of dirt in their navel or on their stomach and chest.


Abnatural means- "Just ain't natural" Some things that aren't natural may fit into this catagory. "Abnatural" adjective

abnegate meaning

To give up.

abnegation meaning

Kind and selfless.Synonyms: stiff, selfless, generous Antonyms: selfish, unkind

abner meaning

shitty person, nigger, and bad friend, traitor and has small wank, little bitch, doesnt studdy, and doesnt know the definition of bathing

Abnerville meaning

The Aces, found as an off-cast on the side of the road, some 30+ years ago. Henceforth, they have been reeking havok across southern Maine. First, terrorizing "Beanboot" then carrying that forward into "The Boys of Summah". The 2nd of 2, 4-peats. Rules have been made to defeat them, and they cause grown men to cry and wallow in their vomitous results, that never measure up. They try and try only to fail, like worms on a rainy day.

abnesia meaning

1. The serious medical condition of forgetting to go work out. Or not working out due to laziness and consequently packing on some pounds.