Abanoub meaning and definition

Abanoub meaning

the coolest Egyptian guy EVER!

Abanoub meaning

can often be referred to as a 'mad cunt' he talks to a loser whose name starts with an 'e' and she respects him soo much! nicest person ever. get to know him and you'll be like "omg he's soooo awesome!"

Read also:

abansion meaning

n. abandoned mansion

aba nuckie meaning

The Aba-nuckie, refers to a women's vagina.

ABAP meaning

As Balla As Possible as coined by YouTube superstar Chadwarden.

a bape and a year meaning

An expression used to describe an extremely long time between either seeing or talking to someone, similar to the ghetto term of a hot minute. Bape is used in this context to make the time seem much longer.

Abaphany meaning

An abaphany is the opposite of an epiphany.

abapical meaning

at the lowest point

Abaqoos meaning

An electronic e-wallet service developed in Europe for making payments online (www.abaqoos.com). The name "Abaqoos" is derived from the Abacus calculating device used in ancient China and the Middle East.

abar meaning

A place you go with friends to keep drinking after bar close. See after bar

Abarackan meaning

Noun: An American retarded arsekisser in the times of Barack Obama.

Abarai meaning

Abarai is the best bishop/SPH/dagger alive. He also has a big dick.