Abid meaning and definition

Abid meaning

A name that means worshipper in Arabic. Derived from the word 'Ibad, which means to worship. Most Abids you see will be tall.

Abid meaning

A class A, all around kind of guy. Good at everything whether it is sports or academics, he is tough, strong and good with girls. In Compton the Abid is the leader of the blood.

Abid meaning

Swaggiest muthafaka alive. He has sex everyday with his 8 inch dick along with his nigga vijay A.K.A the reincarnation of Mahatma Ghandi

Abid meaning

the word meaning big,, yet he is fuckin hard and strong he loves drugs and may become a drug dealer even though he is a great mathmatician. he loves his blues and he is a pot head just like his best freind amjal. he is also horny and loves hugging people :D:D but everyone loves him to bits :P:P xxx he gets horny over usman especially:P

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Abida meaning

a quiet intelligent girl who is very loyal towards her peers. As well as being innocent she does have a naughty side that she brings out when she wants to rebel. An awesome best friend and an adventurous wife.

Abidados meaning

Wet pants, often resulting from an extended video-game induced trance.

abidail meaning

A mythical creature found in high schools all across New Jersey. It has been featured in Wierd New Jersey for pencil thefts from lockers and backpacks. If you have the displeasure of coming across one, you should hide your kids, hide your wife and hide your pencils.

Abidaoud meaning

Abidaoud, Abi is used in the Phoenician Kings names of Tyre Abibaal and Abimilki. Abidaoud in English is Abidavid or my father David and the son of David (Davidson). A very strong religious relationship between Jews and Christians. Lebanon-Phoenicia is one of the first nations to convert to Christianity after the death of Christ. The above names are a very strong evidence to the strong impact and link to the Bible. All the biblical names now days are translated to many languages and used in relationship with hebrew-christianity.

abidation meaning

agreement, follow (as in follow rules), adherence. In a college class the professor needed a word for this sentence: (The _____ of these standards is less likely by those of legal age.) In response, I shouted out "abidation" and everyone laughed. Well look whose laughing now!

a biddy biddy may meaning

Extremely localized late 80's rogers park Chciago Stonerspeak for "are you stoned?" There are only two proper responses: ahachna (pronounced a HACH na) meaning, NO, i am not stoned, and A BIDAY MOO (pronounced AYE BIH DAY MOOOOOooo with the mooo drawn out in proportion to ones stonedness) - meaning, yes indeed i am quite stoned. other acceptable responses might also include details about the degree of stonedness which one has personally achieved or is experiencing. we have: stoned, meaning, STONED gargotzed, meaning, quite stoned

abide meaning

To remain or dwell; in some cases, to tolerate.

abidemi meaning

It is a name given to children that are born when thier father isn't around. This name is used in the yoruba parts of Nigeria. It is a unisex name. Kids with this name are very special to their mothers and sometimes considered fragile.

A Biden meaning

When someone says something on video/audio that gets attention in the news, and then another person comes out and says it was never really said or it was taken out of context. Named after VP Joe Biden, who has claimed the most Biden's since becoming VP and has become commonplace in the Obama Administration as of late.

Abidido meaning

Word used to describe hardcore fans of "Dora, the Explorer."