a bag of joe meaning and definition

a bag of joe meaning

something that is very useful

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a bag of kittens on the way to the river meaning

you feel like shit , feel like death , feel really disturbed

a bag of mikey meaning

when you feel like you shouldn't be alive anymore.

a bag of old and moldy ass meaning

This is a person who drank way too much the night before.

ABagOfPotato meaning

A Gamer, known for thair complete Ownage at games such as Halo, guitar hero. But most of all for Owning at social events such as lan partys.

A bag of smashed assholes meaning

Usually used as a simile, to connote something rank, foul and generally disgusting.

A Bag Of Tash meaning

A bag of hairy moustaches in a creamy mushroom sauce. Made with real lemon and lime. YUM

aba-goop meaning

a phrase you just say

abah meaning

a response giving after a stupid question

abaha meaning

The description given to breasts that jiggle when your shaken by your shoulders

abahaa meaning

(alt. spellings: abaha, abahaaa, aba- prefix, chiefly British abaghaoea) (common pronunciation: ah-bah-HAH) interj. 1. a jocular expression that marks a high level of haughtiness and/or absurdity in a person, thing or situation. See pshaw. 2. a common verbal expression. 3. a common greeting among friends or complete strangers. prefix 1. denotes an air of pinache. adjective. 1. of immense importance or of interest. 2. of great quality. 3. incredible gumption.