Aanya meaning and definition

Aanya meaning

Aanya is a girls name. It is a very nice name. Aanya is a very beautiful girl, who normally has brown hair and brown eyes. She cares a lot about her friends, and is a very generous person. She is a very energetic person. Everyone wants to be like her.

Aanya meaning

Aanya is a girls name, she is normally very gorgeous and talented. She loves to watch TV and loves to play on her phone, but she also cares a lot about her friends. She loves to play outside, she likes to bike, and she is a very fast runner. Everyone loves Aanya because she is so nice. She always gets good grades in school. Aanya has a very kind heart and loves to give and share with everyone. Aanya is an amazing person, and will go very far in life!

Aanya meaning

Aanya is a girls name. It is a very nice name. Aanya is a very beautiful girl, who normally has brown hair and brown eyes. She cares a lot about her friends, and is a very generous person. She is a very energetic person. Everyone wants to be like her.

Aanya meaning

usually a younger sibling who likes to cheat at Scrabble and play on the iPad constantly. one who has brown hair and brown eyes, and a very energetic person. she is very moody if she is a teenager and very close-minded. she likes to think that the only way is her way, but she can also be extremely generous. she is a very social person and doesn't care what people think of her much. loves animals and hanging out with her friends. OBSESSED with yoga pants and headbands. doesn't mind watching disney channel or some cartoon movie because she likes to go with the flow

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aanyaah meaning

Someone who is very caring, yet gets annoying sometimes.

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A segway to a new topic, when the previous one is uncomfortable.

aao meaning

Short for: a game called America's army Ops

AAOAOOA meaning

What no Italian should to read during their eye exam.

AAOI meaning


AA only meaning

It means African American only and is typically used in personals.

aap meaning

1.abbreviation for aisian ass porn 2. usaully consists of titles like "hot thai titti fucking" or "chinese slut gets laid at sushi restraunt" 3.A word of the rockstarnease dictionary

Aapa meaning

A respectful term for Big Sister. Orig. Urdu (Pakistan/India). A male homosexual who is regarded with high esteem in the community of South Asian queers. Popularized by a group of desihomoFOB guys in Boston while referring to a local diva of international stature.

AAPI meaning

Asian-American/Pacific Islander. Can include hapas (half-Asian/half-white) and blasians (self-explanatory).

aapians meaning

People who support Arvind Kejriwal, an anti-corruption crusader from India, in the fight for bringing about systematic changes, encouraging participatory democracy so as to make the governance corruption free and people oriented.