aareon meaning and definition

aareon meaning

A young man who is talented at any sports he plays. Who has a large attraction for females, and often gets whoever he wants. He tends to have a big dick as well.

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Aareyon meaning

Lightskin , Smart , Funny , Has a good sense of humor but at the same time he can be a wanna be thug . A good & faithful bf to his gf Brianna .

Aarg meaning

It can be a reply to anyting that any says

aargan meaning

The Aargan often occurs after strong doses of laxatives (or all you can eat chinese buffet), causing the person to lay grogans with such fierce animosity that they proceed to shit out their aggots. The Aargan means an "Aggot grogan", and most often applies to males (with the exception of mingin' women).

aargasm meaning

The official Orgasm of Tampa Bay, FL

aargh meaning

imitation of pirate.in the foulest of form.

aarghasm meaning

An unpleasant orgasm because of pain, fear of pregnancy, disease or embarassment

Aarghsome meaning

Genuinely awesome with a pirate-infused tone.

Aarghvark meaning

An Aardvark that says 'Aargh'

AARherpes meaning

Getting herpes from a person who could very well be a member of the American Association of Retired People.

Aarhus meaning

Second largest city of Denmark, but witth densier population. Known for starting trends, and is generally more cool and sub-cultural than Copenhagen. The city of a thousand café's. Home of football team AGF. Great architecture in inner city, lots of ghettos in the suburbs. Very old viking-town some 1000 years old.The average age of residents in Aarhus are a lot younger than the rest of Denmark, mainly due to it's huge university.