abcdef meaning and definition

abcdef meaning

chocolate milk

abcdef meaning

Part of the damn alphabet

abcdef meaning

AB-Ci-DEF 1.Abcdef-Incredibly easy or convenient; an action or decision that required little or no thought/creativity/effort on your part. 2.Abcdef-Lacking creativity or style.

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ABCDEFG meaning

A boy can do everything for girl


An insult used in chatrooms and on Facebook. A- amazing B- beautiful C- classy D- darling E- energetic F- fantastic G- great H- hot I- I'm J- just K- kidding

abcdefghijklmao meaning

I great way to say "lmao" used mainly on YouTube. In case you didn't notice, it's just saying the alphabet until you get to "L" which is followed my "M" anyway, making it that much better.


American Born Confused Desi Emigrated From Gujarat, Housed In Jersey, Keeping Lotsa Motels, Named Often Patel, Quickly Reaches Success Through Underhanded Viscious Ways; Xenophobic, Yet Zealous.A derogatory term for an American-Born person with family roots in India

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z meaning

only the greatest song ever, next to bye bye by the n'sync; annoying song sung by annoying, hyper-active, ADD ridden, little kids

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz meaning

write this on your hand it will come in handy trust me

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba meaning

This is the alphabet spelled forward and backward. You are the greatest person ever if you can recite this 10 times fast