abishai meaning and definition

abishai meaning

Father of a gift. ~Hebrew name. One of king David's mighty men of valor.A really cool guy who wouldn't let anyone mess with the people he loved and respected. He would kill you given the chance

abishai meaning

A creature from Dungeons and Dragons, classified as Baatezu, the inhabitants of the Nine Hells, also known as Baator. They are draconic in appearance, and color-coded according to their elemental inclination. Black abishai use acidic attacks, white use cold attacks, blue abishai use electric attacks, and red abishai use fire. Of the four types, red abishai are the most powerful, and white abishai the least.

abishai meaning

A geeky kid that thinks he is part wolf.the so called "father of gifts".plays with transformers and makes origami. basically a 10 year old in a 17 year olds body.also dates girls a lot younger then himself.

abishai meaning

Abishai are demonic creatures from a different plane of existance. they look like animated catherdral gargoyles. Abishai come in two types- white and red.

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Abisha Uhl meaning

A goddess. The pinnacle of grace and talent. shes a triple threat. sexy,talented,smart.

abishek meaning

A guy with a 0.1 mm penis size

Abishgol meaning

When someone gets cornholed by a wet lubed squirrel cock.

A Bishop Challenor meaning

basically ... youve fucked up made a hash of it or done somthing on the cheap.

abishua meaning

Abishua is sweet and caring. Usually a ladies man. While he may be shy at first he turns out to be a loud person who has many friends and he is joker

abiska meaning

its just a word to say when there is a awkward silence

abismalism meaning

state of: just when you think things can't get any worse...they do...so really, what was wrong isn't actualy as bad as it could be. QED - things are actualy pretty good.

Abisola meaning

The most hilarious comical stylish diva you will EVA meet.A WONDERFUL chef and an AMAZING eater (*high metabolism*) ..The most discombobulated and randomest person...with unbelievable hairdos and the BESTEST FRIEND EVA!!!!!!!

Abisshek meaning

A skinny monkey boy who has a perverted mind and the excessive habit of loling.

ABIT meaning

Abit, a shortened version of the words a and bit. Usually used when typing really quickly on chats/forums and forgets to put the space in between.