Ablutophobia meaning and definition

Ablutophobia meaning

Fear of washing or bathing.

Read also:

ABM meaning

Angry Black Man Syndrome

Abmazing meaning

combo of Abnormal and Amazing. So we dont have to saw weird anymore.

ABMB meaning

All Bitches, My Bitches.

abmc meaning

pronounced (ab-muk) (v.) ab-muk – to advise by missed call abmc (n.) – advice by missed call abmcked – past tense; been advised by missed call abmcking – present continuous; advising by missed call

abmetern meaning

Doing something in a very intense way.

abminster meaning

another term for abbey or minster. From ab(bey) + minster.

Abmintatious meaning

Its a word that describes an indescribably good feeling.

abmiring meaning

the act of regarding a person's abdominals with warm approval and / or pleasure

ABMJ meaning

An abriviation (generally used in text or email) for "anything but my job"

abm juice meaning

apple banana mango juice. yucky stuff.