abotripon meaning and definition

abotripon meaning

What you do when your girlfriend gets pregnant, you don't have $500, and neither of you wants to be a parent. Thus a homebrewed do-it-yourself method of removing the fetus is required.

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Abotsiss meaning

(noun, verb): The act of whipping your head fastly in the direction of a random person.

a bottle and vent meaning

The act of buying a bottle or two of alcohol and venting with a long-time friend whom you haven't seen in a while. Great way to express feelings towards others and question life, totally wasted....

A bottlenecker meaning

While smoking Marijuana communally among a group, a bottlenecker is an individual, when passed, keeps smoking the joint/spliff much longer than they should resulting in others frequently reminding them to pass the joint/spliff to the next recipient.The individual effectively creates a bottle neck in the flow of weed being consumed within the group.

A Bottle of Jack meaning

Something you brush your teeth with.

abotu meaning

1. A common misspelling of about. 2. Your best buddy. 3. Some sort of word in Swahili, I think.

Abou meaning

A cocky person that loves to win. Usually nobody likes them. They tend to play an MMORPG's. They also join Clan's in game.

aboubacar meaning

The blackest thing in the world

Abouchaaya meaning

A last name from Lebanon with a nice sense of style, good looking people

aboud meaning

An Aboud is a sexy, lebanese, chain smoker. Who is of the fine wine religion. An Aboud has a really great smile and cute hair (when its not cut). Abouds dont give a shit about anything and hates life. They are usually very amusing and have a wide variety of languages... ABOUDS ARE GREAT!

aboudi meaning

A very horny ass motherfucker who can't get his mind off of dick and pussy, if you date him it's definitely for your personalitits.