Babyhand syndrome meaning and definition

Babyhand syndrome meaning

The disease that makes a Dixie cup look huge in your hand.

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baby hangover meaning

A baby hangover is another term for the nausea, vomiting and malaise accompanied with morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy.

baby harbor meaning

a woman who is currently pegnant

babyhat meaning

You really don't want to know....

Babyhavingababy meaning

A very young or underage child or teenager who is pregnant.They are still a child themselves expecting a child

baby haze meaning

After you first have a baby

baby hazz meaning

A french boy who resembles one Kevin Hazzard. He is the older brother of fetal hazz.

Baby Head Bang meaning

The rock 'n roll head banging motion made by a baby/small child while trying to fall asleep in a seated position. The baby/small child's head slowly nods down only to be jerked back up from the uncomfortable position, creating the head banging motion.

Babyheads meaning

nickname that originated with one girl but was stolen by her married friends.

baby head syndrome meaning

An affliction of the head in which it appears like that of an infant.

baby hedgehog meaning

Another phrase for a mans scrotum.