baa meaning and definition

baa meaning

1) wat sheep or lambs say 2) wat ppl say when they see sheep or lambs 3) another word for sheep or lambs

baa meaning

South African term for `boss'

baa meaning

A bastardised application of the word boss, when pronounced with a strong South African accent.BAAS, when applied correctly and used strictly in context, describes a mature alpha male with a quick temper, strict code of moral conduct, high expectations of self and others, and a tendancy towards and talent for use of extreme violence in order to maintain social order, hierachy and decorum.A BAAS in human social terms is roughly equivalent to, but more intelligent than, a sliverback gorilla.

baa meaning

1. an acronym for bad ass asian 2. the sound a sheep makes

baa meaning

Interj - used as an exclamation of awkwardness or embarassment Adj. – the state of being or feeling sheepish and awkward.

baa meaning

Is the better thing you could be. your best try and your will to be the best.

baa meaning

Big akward ass(es). Someone with an unfortunatley large or akward ass.

Read also:

Baaa meaning

Subtle and socially acceptable vocal abbreviation for the phrase "balls and wieners", to be used in environments where professionalism or self-restraint is required.In more friendly, informal environments, the abbreviation is often followed by an actual vocalization of the phrase "balls and wieners" after a few repetitions of the abbreviation by different speakers.

baaaaaaa meaning

The bestest word ever, since it is what sheep say.

baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa meaning

A really board sheep sound

baaaaaaaaaaaaaast meaning

derived from the word bust, clearly means to lose or just awful. The longer you pronounce the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the bigger the baaaaaaaaaast.


When somebody says or does something disgusting:

Baaaaaaaaybe meaning

Used chiefly in greeting friends, and usually followed by the words No Joke. Can be used to address or close a sentnece or phrase. The multiple use of the letter A is to elongate the AY sound in the word babe.

baaaaaah meaning

originating from loughton, essex in the uk the word is normally used to annoy the person or guardiaan in charge of a gathering of young, bored and hyperactive children.

baaaaag meaning

Do you got a baaaaag my friend, this is instead of using bag within a shop, mainly begums use this term. If they do not got a bag, ask them for a baaaaag my friend

BAAAAAH meaning

an extremely loud form of laughter.

Baaaalllllliiiiiinnn meaning

A word dipset rapper jim jones says to describe his life style.