Babba Stabber meaning and definition

Babba Stabber meaning

Another name for a gay person, a man who bums men.

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Babba Tash meaning

To wipe ones anal ring with ones fingers then to smear it onto an unsuspecting victims upper lip, causing distress and humour.

babbby meaning

pronounced: (bay)(be)(be)(be)(beee)a nickname you call someone that means the world to you, and you find quite attractive :)

babbe meaning

Slang for titties in UP, Bihar and parts of Madhya Pradesh.

babbed meaning

A huge mistake or error as performed by former Liverpool centre half "Phil Babbed"

babbelas meaning

babbelas (bub-buh-luss) - A hangover. A South African word describing the hangover effects of a heavy night of drinking.

Babber meaning

Worcester term of endearment for the uneducated. Equivalent of babe.

babberho meaning

A really retarded person.

babbette meaning

This girl is the definition of one classy bitch! She is always not happy about food, clothes, and materials. She has a will that no one can break at the same time but cute.

babbi meaning

short for bad bitch

babbibal meaning

A person who eats babies