Babblesex meaning and definition

Babblesex meaning

An adult chat site( that can be fun,but often suffers from lag,crashes and glitches.Has a lot of cam whores there too.Also known as babble.

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babble-texting meaning

When a person keeps texting you every thought that crosses his or her mind matter how inconsequential.

babbletweek meaning

The often hard to understand muttering and ramblings made by someone who is high on speedmeth when they are trying to talk.

babblin meaning

When someone goes on and on and on(talkin) about things that have nothing to do with you

babbling meaning

To talk foolishly or idly; chatter

babbling brook meaning

a quiet serene place, withthe quiet sounds of water flowing over and rocks. nature is around and its also a great place to have anal sex neer.

Babbling Gook meaning

A korean person that will not stop talking about things that annoy you, or things you are not interested in.

Babbling Idiot meaning

Stupid gibberish talk, dumb-ass chatter, talking for the sake of talking even if they have nothing to say or anything productive to add to the conversation. Babbling idiots will also talk to themselves if no one else is around or if they are being ignored.

Babbly meaning

Having an unusual desire to unnecessarily fill space with useless words.

babblying meaning

the incoherent gurgling of untruths.

babbo meaning

italian word that describes a person who acts like an idiot or in fact is an idiot.pronounce is very important, you have to emphasize the double b