babeete meaning and definition

babeete meaning

Tiny babies with ill intentions that are after your pirate gold

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babeetron meaning

a hot female that attracts alot of good looking males

babeette meaning

the female version of a 'babe', similar to the word 'dudeette', which is the female version of dude. Is a compiment given to someone, eg if they have done something of great kindness.

babeface meaning

A person who is known as a 'babe'. Another word for babes and cutie. Often used to describe someone in the middle of a discussion.

babefest meaning

"BabeFest" was one of the first bikini and lingerie screensavers, and the name has become a generic term for any collection of beautiful women, whether real or as a photo collection or gallery.

Babefication meaning

To spontaneously have babies! xD

babefriend meaning

somebody who is close to you but isn't a girl/boyfriend.

Babegasm meaning

A violent and sometimes even fatal mental response that occurs when a person is blessed with the presence of one or more really good looking people (often referred to as 'Babes').Cases of a Babegasms vary, depending on the number of babes in the victims presence.Common symptoms of Babegasms: - Waddling - Passing out in absurd locations - Death9% of Babegasm sufferers have survived. 12% have died as a result of a category 5 Babegasm The other 79% are still missing..Join thousands of people fight against the leading cause of Babegasms! Follow the link below!>>>>>> <<<<<<

BABE GAUGE meaning

The BABE GAUGE is the process or system used to rate a female on a 1-10 point scale to determine beauty. Points are divided into 4 specific areas and a total is achieved by adding the points to gauge the beauty of a woman according to her attributes, features, and/or attitude. - The first THREE point set is used to rate a woman from the top of her head to the top of her shoulders. (from zero to three) - The second THREE point set is used to rate a woman from the top of her shoulders to the top of her hips. (from zero to three) - The third THREE point set is used to rate a woman from the top of her hips to the bottom of her feet. (from zero to three) - The final ONE point is used at the discreation of the person rating the woman. This point can be awarded for attitude or for that attractive attribute that you just cant put your finger on. It is awarded or withheld at your discretion. (from zero to one) Any and all points are awarded or witheld according to your personal preferences. BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER. Once you have awarded points to each of the aforementioned sections, simply add them together to get a complete and accurate beauty rating. Half points, veriations, and modifications to the Babe Guage are done according to personal preferences to suit your needs and desires. MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU!

babeghbor meaning

A neighbor that is a smoking hot babe.

babe girl meaning

a nick name for: over sexy and sensitive perfet 10