babeish meaning and definition

babeish meaning

Like a babe, to be sexually attracted to an object rather than an actual babe

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babeishness meaning

an adverb of a guy. to be a babe

Babeitude meaning

(n) A qualitative measure of the babetasticness or babalisciousness of a woman, i.e. the degree to which a babe is boneriffic.

babeizzle meaning

my girlfriend or chick lover etc.....

Babekid meaning

A person of the opposite gender with whom you are very close with and can call your best friend.

babekins meaning

someone of relatively small size, often blonde, silly, and heavily ilogical. Likes manitees and other animals that no-one seems to give a fuck about. Founder of the cult, 'kins'

Babel meaning

Confusion (by mixing), from the Hebrew B(et)-B(et)-L(ahmed). Syn. Babylon

Babelberg meaning

a girl in great neck whos last name is nagelberg, but since she is such a babe i changed i to babelberg

Babelch meaning

A gay word means goodbye.

babelet meaning

Gorgeous 20 something Girl

Babelfenglish meaning

Noun. (Portmanteau of Babelfish, the online translator, and English, the needlessly complicated language) 1.) The incoherent mess that appears when you try to translate something through an online translator, especially Altavista's Babel fish translator.