babit meaning and definition

babit meaning

A little man, also known as a miget, whose penis is as big as he is.

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babita meaning

Babita is like an Ocean of warmth and heart and kindness.

babitarian meaning

meaning : you eat every food but babies

Babiwa meaning

The Babiwa (Bah-bee-wah) is a type of totem, worshiped by few, as it supposedly helps protect one's reproductive organs. Its worshipers believe that it will aid in fertility and redure risk of impotence. Sacrifice to the Babiwa are made by eviscerating used condoms ontop of the totem, as a sign of respect and gratitude.

babiz meaning

The word gangsters use for "baby"

babizard meaning

1. (n) a game in which one steals a friend's cell phone and changes the tagline to "Babizard!" The friend then must steal some other friend's cell phone and do the same thing ad infinitum.2. (n) A lv. 36 Charizard.3. (v) A vulgar term for performing an Alabama Hot Pocket, followed by Supermanning that ho.

BABJ meaning

Back-Alley Blowjob. This term is used to describe the location in which two secretive (or not entirely open) lovers may have disappeared to from any public setting/location. Although the definition is not meant to be literal, it is meant to suggest sexual bonds between the two lovers in question.

babjd meaning

Big American Blow Job Derby- To have a line of boys ready for a blow job . One girl sucks each guy until one cums

babjl meaning

Having or pertaining to the quality of Big Ass Blow Job Lips. Pronounced Bab-gel.

babka meaning

a yummy delicious treat made of bread, almost like a cinomin roll but MUCH better. they derived from europe and are commonly associated with easter

babki meaning

1.) sum of money essential for the owner 2.) girls