baby daddy face meaning and definition

baby daddy face meaning

The look on your face after having to talk or deal with your kid's annoying and impossible father.

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baby-daddy-less meaning

Refers to the fact that a person does not/did not have a father figure in their life.

baby daddy mama meaning

The mother of yo baby daddy. Your child's grandmother on the paternal side.

Baby-daddy Material meaning

Baby-Daddy Material is mainly used towards "Pretty Boys" or in other words, "Very Attractive Men". A young man who has beautiful features as in: eyes, lips, hair, and skin. These are the type of men just to have beautiful babies with and nothing more.

Babydaddytat meaning

Babydaddytat is the visible scratch marks across a black male's face, usu. the cheek. It is typically caused by a fight with the mother of this person's child. More specifically, it is a tattoo that appears on the baby daddy after fighting with the baby mama and is used to show ownership of the male. Can also be caused during rough sex.

babydaddy ties meaning

Two women or more that has at least one kid by the same man.

Baby Daddy Trama meaning

when a baby daddy wants to be involed with his kid, or kids and the baby mama wants nothing to do the baby daddy and does stuff that makes the baby daddys life a living hell...

Babydaddy Welfare meaning

Unearned, untaxable INCOME paid to a babymama, which comes from a babydaddy--often a hardworking one without any custody, whatsoever. More commonly known as court-ordered "Child Support," which, according to law, cannot be used "for the benefit of other household members." But--shh-- the law don't really enforce this. These "other household members" often include, but are not limited to: the babymama, babymama's criminal boyfriends, and babymama's spawn from other babydaddies.

baby dady meaning

The term used mainly by young "african american" girls to state who the father of their child is.

Baby-Daisel meaning

To take a long time to finish an alcoholic beverage at a bowling alley.

Baby Damage meaning

Stretch marks usually on the stomach, thighs, hips and breasts of a girl that resulted from her pregnancy and make her less attractive.