Baby Shower meaning and definition

Baby Shower meaning

An event where loved ones, family and friends get to spend time with prospective parents, impart supportive wishes and advice and generally make sure that the parents to be realise that everything is still totally cool. Generally held in the afternoon of a weekend day. While gifts are not usually considered compulsory - if we're honest with each other the over-riding reason that such an event is put together is for the gifts one will get so having a registry somewhere is not a bad idea.

Baby Shower meaning

the act of ejaculating your children on your partner. Your semen holds your sperm and your sperm are your children.You ejaculate on her therefore it is a baby shower.

Baby Shower meaning

when a man proceeds to ejaculate over a womans entire body

Baby Shower meaning

A place where closet knob gobblers go with their wives so they can hook up in the downstairs bathroom while their wives are preoccupied. Typically, these baby showers are advertised as "couples showers", so all the wannabe fags are given a heads up that it's assfucking season.

Baby Shower meaning

When a man orgasams in his hand and flings it into his partners mouth.

Baby Shower meaning

The action of ejaculating inside of a pregnant woman and in doing so showering onto the unborn fetus.

Baby Shower meaning

When you're going down on a pregnant woman and her water breaks on your face.

Read also:

Baby Shrek meaning

Normally refers to a person who is fat, but not as big as shrek so the are a baby shrek

baby shrimp meaning

It means bs in a polite way

baby sick meaning

come stain on a girls front or shoulder

baby sign language meaning

baby sign language • "Please change my diaper": Turn beet red and make straining expression, then smile. • "I'd like something to eat, please": Cram fist in mouth and suck wildly. • "I'm tired": Make a series of weeping gestures before closing eyes and lolling head backward. • "Please pass me that thing up there that I can't reach": Point and grunt, then continue pointing and open mouth into screaming position. • "No thank you. I think I've had enough": Throw food or object to floor with exaggerated grin.

babysip meaning

a stolen (or allowed)sip of someone elses drink while babysitting

Baby Sippin meaning

Someone who drinks alcohol in baby sips(take small taste). Drinks alcohol very slowly.

baby sipping meaning

Sipping the alcohol like a little baby.

baby sister meaning

The youngest sister in a family; Baby by name only, usually the brattiest in the line of kin; Daughter with most praise given to her because she is the last girl that will ever pass her mother's birth canal; Known to be Assertive; likes to create her own rules, especially when playing cards or board games; Baby Sister: Nickname given to a younger & dearly loved girl sibling (like: Davina Roxanne) or a brother everyone else in the family thinks is a whiner or a sissy.

babysit meaning

To pay little or no attention to your alcoholic beverage, letting it sit idle, while you pretend to nurse it.

babysitter meaning

Someone who cares for children from birth generally up to 12. Or someone who can't behave themselves on the job.