babyback ribs meaning and definition

babyback ribs meaning

When a person fucks a baby so hard and so long that its ribs break.

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Baby Bad Bitch meaning

May be used as a adjective, or noun. - Something tough, like in the figurative speech "This is bad, this is really bad" - Acting tough, macho, etc..

baby badder meaning

Human male ejaculated male semen.

baby bag bitch meaning

A tiny little bitch that behaves like a spoiled brat.

baby bags meaning

Used to describe a freshly shaved scrotum.

baby bait meaning

An attractive underaged girl that is also rather cute. Similar to jailbait and lolita. Babybait is generally considered younger than jailbait, and more innocent than lolita.

baby-baiting meaning

to attempt to, or succeed in hooking up with someone much younger than oneself

Baby Bake meaning

To blow marijuana smoke in a babies face to get him/her baked.

Baby Baked meaning

Being extremely high or baked off of marijuana.

babybaker meaning

The uterus. Part of the female anatomy.

baby ballbagger meaning

a collecter of the flesh that encapsulates a babies testicles.