babychief meaning and definition

babychief meaning

Someone who is an heir to the throne, or next in line to fill a usually important position, whether that be within a large company or government. It can be used metaphorically as well; often times rappers will claim to be a babychief, which basically means they're saying they will be the next big thing in the rap game.

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babychild meaning

The youngest, sometimes spoiled and often sassiest in a series of 2 or more siblings. Note: known to throw temper tantrums if they do not get their way.

Baby Chimosa meaning

A tease, one who doesn't give The Igloo for Eskimo Brothers

Baby Chimp Shit meaning

When two people absolutely need to defaecate at the same time in one toilet, one person assumes the standard seated dumping position. Person 2 wraps their legs around the waist of person 1, crossing their feet behind his/her back. Person 2 wraps their arms around the neck of 1, clinging for dear life, and releases through the "5 Hole" of 1. Challenges produced include avoiding piss in 1's belly button, and feces in the genital region. If done correctly, two dumpers will effectively accomplish the feat cleanly while striking the pose of a baby chimp clutching to his/her mother. For added effect 2 may pick lint/loose articles from the hair of 1.Also known as a "5 Hole Shit."

babyching meaning

A word with many meanings, you can use it in all different sentences! It can mean crap or it can mean YASSSS

baby chocolate face meaning

A baby chocolate face can be achieved by first having anal intercourse with a pregnant woman followed by vaginal intercourse. The feces at the end of the penis touches the fetus' face, hence baby chocolate face.

baby chode meaning

Most people would think this refers to a tiny chode but no it is in fact a sideways baby

baby choir meaning

A gang of women oohing and awing around a baby.

babychokers meaning

Nipples that are big enough to choke a baby!.. Nipples the size of a piece of bubble gum or a gum drop. Nipples that will show through a padded bra!

baby chopper meaning

refering to a pistol form of the AK-47 assalt rifle

Babychou meaning

Babychou is the nickname given to your coworker that has shagged you two years ago and from whom you expect to be reshagged.