babysitting meaning and definition

babysitting meaning

holding the weed too long in a group smoking session

babysitting meaning

Where your girlfriend tells you she's going when she's really going to another guys house to fuck

babysitting meaning

When you are drinking at a party and you've only had 2 or 3 shots rather then getting hammered with the rest of the crowd.

babysitting meaning

The nice friend who gets stuck with the shitty job of making sure your overly-intoxicated friend makes it home without puking all over the place or harming his or herself. Often you have to hold their hair while they barf in the bathroom.

babysitting meaning

Time people spend at other people's houses chasing after their runny nosed bratty kidz while they are out having a good time. Your also expected to feed, entertain, play with, tell lies to, and read bedtime stories to their demon children. But it is a lucrative business and easy to get into.

babysitting meaning

When a person is smokin weed, drinking, or doin something else that involves sharing just sits there and continues to take multiple hits, drinks.. etc. without passing it to the next person in rotation. this action will get you inevitably punched.

babysitting meaning

The art of chopping up children into tiny pieces very carefully, disemboweling them with care, and selling their organs on eBay for the low, low price of $19.95.

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babysitting a text meaning

When you send someone a text (usually a risky one) and you have to keep checking if they replied yet.

Baby Skanks meaning

When a young girl, usually a freshmen or sophomore in high school tries to get with all the older guys and start drama among everyone. After doing so they will play innocent like a baby that all the older boys lie and use them as targets. Skanks that act like babies.

Babyskins meaning

Pronounced Baby-skins, a babyskins is a super hot chick that if given the opportunity you would bone. And by bone, I mean fuck.

Baby Skull Seeking Bullet meaning

A type of bullet that will hit the nearest baby skull when fired out of a gun. It was been seen on WKUK and was used by Trevor Moore to shoot a member of the Baby Skull Gang (who had a baby skull necklace). However, the bullet hit a live baby that was a bit closer to him instead. There are debates on whether this type of bullet should be made illegal. However, they have been known to stop members of the Baby Skull Gang, who may one day take over the world by raping churches and burning women.

baby slag meaning

A slut from the shire; a whore with stumpy legs.

baby slap meaning

A baby slap is a slap that is even weaker than a bitch slap. You might ass well just slide your hands against a niggas face. It is an extremely pussy slap. If you baby slap someone you are most likely gonna get your ass beat.

Baby Slave meaning

Always the youngest in her crew. Baby Slave is who you call if you need something done. Her job is to be the slave to her superiors. Although she is their slave, she is one of the best in the crew. They treat her with love and respect, unless she refuses to run errands. Baby Slave's obligations include making meals, especially Hangover Breakfast, getting items nobody else feels like going to get, and being the naive student to the ways of her elders.

baby sleepover meaning

many babies are gathered and thrown into a sleeping bag followed by a wolverine on angel dust and then you watch to see which baby lives the longest

BabySleeve meaning

This is the small paperbag that your liquor store clerk puts your Tall Boy in. You then proceed to head outside and stand in front of the store or in nearby parking lot enjoying your Tall Boy while the BabySleeve protects you from being discovered by local law enforecement.

Babyslide meaning

Noun. A reference to the uterus, and/or vagina.