Bacci meaning and definition

Bacci meaning

Slang for hand rolling tobacco.

Bacci meaning

Slang word used in London, short for tobacco.

Bacci meaning

To be bent over while dancing provocatively. One dance partner must approach the other from behind and bend them at the waist while continually performing a gyrating motion with their hips. Victims of bacci are usually held in this position for extended periods of dance and suffer eventual loss of dignity.

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Bacciagalupe meaning

Italian slang for a pompous greaseball guido. Used to describe a stereotypical sleezeball Staten Islander.

baccidentally meaning

making a mistake while backing up

baccidenty meaning

Used when trying to explain that you did not do something purposefully. You did it by accident, or baccidenty.

bacci hair meaning

course,brown,vajj hair from a female

Baccin meaning

A traditionally drunk man well known for shitting his pants (sharting) particularly in queues in public places, such as bars and pubs, in particular Northies in Cronulla.Another word for sharting.

baccne meaning

1)A product used to rid yourself of hideous acne. 2)some lameass dude

bacco meaning

a crazy, frog-like human being, that will Bacconize you into a beef stroganoff

baccon meaning

Delicious strips of juicy, pork heaven. Served often at breakfast with eggs, but perfectly good served alone and at any time of day.

baccon and chedder meaning

the word means weed,pot watever. you use it around your parents with friends

Bacconater meaning

A delicious Wendy's burger. It is defined as fat covered in fat with fat on top deep fried in fat.