Cabiar meaning and definition

Cabiar meaning

The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse in prison. The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction. Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a Prison rape of justice. Carbiared, Carbiar·ing, Cabiars To force (another person) to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse in prison or jail; commit Prison rape on. To seize and carry off by force. To plunder or pillage. See prison sex.

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cabibi meaning

to be the best ever.

cabid meaning

A towny way to express that one cannot be bothered. See cant be arsed

cabij meaning

Or. Cabijed Derived from Cabbage or cabbaged. Meaning unable to perform simple everyday tasks usualy used for people who are intoxicated with alcohol/drugs to the point they cannot funciuon properly.

cabilla meaning

a sound really hard and good, like some type of hard techno, gabber, hardcore or drum'n bass. (venezuelan word)

cabillion meaning

A Canadian billion. Slightly less than an American billion.

CABIM meaning

acronym, stands for cock and balls in mouth. It takes a big talent slut to get the WHOLE package all the way in.

Cabin meaning

An extremely cold blooded girl, totally unromantic and asexual. Never accepts any hot-dogs. Hates guys all-over.

Cabina meaning

Reffering to a womans vaginapussyfemal cabin

CABIN AIR meaning

When you're on an airplane,you're breathing the same air that someone else just exhaled.As it relates to the terrestrial... it's when a group of people seem to be of one mind on a subject or trend.

cabinate meaning

To run a needle through your penis and inject kool-aid into your urethra for maximum pleasure during sex.