Caibola meaning and definition

Caibola meaning

Cancer, Aids, and Ebola.

Read also:

caibs meaning

a fucken mad cunt

Caic meaning

Irish word, to describe something that is crap or sh*it!

caicorn meaning

Caicorn is the fictional portmanteau that refers to a reletionshipo between the character Cain (the father of murder) and corn off the CW hit television show Supernatural.

caide meaning

A person who gets fucked in the ass a lot by those around him.

Caide Curtis meaning

A fat loser who loves getting pounded in the ass by his step dad.

Caidee meaning

Caidee is a rowdy girl who always loves to be mischevious. Although she can joke around a lot, she is very caring and kind. A caidee is always the one to make you smile in a day.Boy #1: Wow who is that!Boy #2: I don't know, but it's gotta be a caidee

Caidee Bell meaning

fucken awesome.

Caiden meaning

The most bad ass little toddler around. Often exceeding the cool-ness of his parents.... He will take over the world one day.

caidence meaning

The most beautiful creature to ever walk the planet. She will mezmerize you with her eyes and olive toned skin. If you find a Caidence, play her a song because her name means "rythm of music".

caideyn meaning

A sweet, loving person who seeks to keep others happy even though they may be in great pain.