Calanguage meaning and definition

Calanguage meaning

Calanguage is a language mostly people called Cal use, it is some Random words that are put together in a sentence, but they must make sense...the sentence can drag on for a while but not too long or it will no longer be accepted as "Calanguage"

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Calanit meaning

A happy and nice girl. She can be wild and hyper. She's very funny, creative, smart, and entertaining. She's someone you would want to be friends with. Calanit cheers people up, and is fun to be around.

Calantha meaning

A whore who tried to replace George in #bobandgeorge...

calanthriscopicalimous meaning

A stupid lazy person who doesn't believe in smoking.

Calantrathlope meaning

Someone who interrupts your sticky business i.e walks in on you getting down

calapalooza meaning

The reason for taking Calculus; for this one day, in which the class is divided into random teams and pitted against each other in events such as spinning around a bat 10 times and running to 1st base, throwing a frisbee (closes to the base wins), naming as many states starting with a particular letter, push-up contest, all in the pursuit of the ever elusive "VETO". An invention by Pat "G-man" Gallant.

calapigionous meaning

Having shapely and round butttocks.

calapikalaculo meaning

A Cutiee w. a booty.

calapolooza meaning

The reason for taking Calculus; for this one day, in which the class is divided into random teams and pitted against each other in events such as spinning around a bat 10 times and running to 1st base, throwing a frisbee (closes to the base wins), naming as many states starting with a particular letter, push-up contest, all in the pursuit of the ever elusive "VETO". An invention by Pat "G-man" Gallant.

calaquaintance meaning

A long word for a long lost brother, sister, or acquaintance. Normally will be used to say that someone is unknown. C.Q. for short.

calarie meaning

Calarie is the action of riding a horse.