California Sandwich meaning and definition

California Sandwich meaning

Baby sandwich. Commonly reffered to as a California Cheeseburger, may have originated on the Simpsons. Often used to refer to a hippie who is too high to notice that they're eating a baby. Ingriedients are as follows; 1 large baby, 2 extra large slices of bread, season to taste, (Note: May add lettuce, onion, pickle, tomato, ketchp, mustard, or mayonnaise to give your baby more flavor)

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California Saucerfist meaning

N. A form of mutual masturbation where the acting male partner inserts his/her open palm into the female's vagina, then moves it in and out as a method of stimulation. If this maneuver is used in the anus instead, it is then referred to as the Dark Alley

california scents meaning

Awesome smelling car/home air freshener. Comes in little cat food containers, not to be mistaken as cat food, cause tuna in your car really stinks. They work wonders.

california screamer meaning

When you eat nothing but spicy food for a few days, and God punishes you with the nastiest, juicest, and most rancid diarrhea you'll ever have in your life.

California Screendoor meaning

Putting those little screenthingies from a screendoor over your partner's face, then shitting and throwing up repeatedly on it so little droplets go through. Works well if you drink epicac and eat laxitives before doing this. Use lots of lubrication. Don't ask why.

california septagon meaning

Similar to a texas five star, seven naked men will fuck one woman. one in each hand, one in the ass, one in the pussy, one in the mouth, and one in each ear. pretty weird..

California Shirt meaning

Another way of saying Hollister clothing in another state other than California.

California Shorthand meaning

Another word for a text

California Shower Bath meaning

When a member of the opposite sex combs your mane whilst squirting juices all over a disabled old woman. Eventually it congeals to form a rancid layer of ejaculate which is then passed through a fine mesh, and is used to lubricate Musical Directors. Disturbingly, this festering substance can be spread on crumpets and scones and be force fed to a pig.

California Shuffle meaning

The awkward shuffling and lunging that happens when one attempts to walk accross the path of a slow-moving car (usually in a parking lot). The pedestrian, in an act of benevolence, signals for the car to keep going, only to be waved on by the driver. Both the driver and the pedestrian then wave to thank the other, both thinking that it is there turn to go. Both go, only to realize the other is moving as well. What follows is a series of false starts by both parties. The driver's actions are similar to those involved in "yoking the whip", yet are in a completely different context and have a completely different rationale.

California Sick Day meaning

A euphemism for calling in sick to work so that one may stay at home and fist his or her significant other throughout normal business hours.This does not require the employee to actually be ill. Instead, a California Sick Day is defined by the act of business-hours fisting, regardless of the health of the participants.