California grass meaning and definition

California grass meaning

It's a synonym for weed, marijuana.

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california gtv meaning

a person or persons who says they are straight but watches gay porn in thier free time

California Gurls meaning

A sub-species of the gender female. They reside exculsively at West Coast beaches, especially California beaches. They are hot enough "to melt your popsicle". They are also extremely sexual, having sex on the beach and in their Jeeps (the only car they drive). During the summer of 2010 Katy Perry released a song that describes the daily activities of them. During said song, Snoop Dogg states that the only females he likes are California Gurls.

California Ham Hawk meaning

When a man jumps off the head of the bed and waves his arms like a hawk and screeches. Then he lands on his prey with unbelievable force as he finishes on the back of his victim.

California Handshake meaning

When a young woman corners you in a mexican restaurant and demands that you grab her breasts. Alcohol is usually involved.

California Handstand meaning

A sexual act involving whipped cream, a rubber chicken, a weed whacker, a twister board and spinner, all on a boat off the coast of California

california happy meaning

a slang word for marajuna

California Heavy meaning

A term used for a closer, deal maker, or problem solver. The term was used back in the 70's for a deal maker in the used car business.

california hello meaning

putting your peace sign up.. then your index down

california high meaning

a thing where you push a pressue point on your neck and you pass out...people've died so dont freaking do it