cabin baggage meaning and definition

cabin baggage meaning

A container (bag, pack etc.) commonly containing items or swag of a highly desirable or awesome nature. Can be obtained via winning a competition.See: Swag Pack

cabin baggage meaning

Refers to an undesirable condition either a male or female has contracted during sex.Just like luggage once you got it, you can't get rid of it.

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Cabin Beaver meaning

a serious condition in which a guy has spent so much time with an ugly girl ... that he actually begins to find her attractive. Typically occurring in the work place, there is only one known cure for cabin beaver... And it ain't pretty.

Cabin Bieber meaning

A type of histeria brought on by listening to too much Justin Bieber.

cabin boy meaning

1. Young boy taken on a ship to perform menial tasks like cleaning and cooking 2. Often buggered by the professional sailors onboard until they get shore leave 3. A Chris Elliot movie of same name

cabin chic meaning

A semi formal rustic style of clothing with a hint of elegance. Generally worn to small gatherings and parties.

cabinco meaning

a girl who gives a guy head 5 times in one night cabasa = head and cinco = 5 meaning giving a guy head 5 times exactly

cabin crap meaning

1) A crap so big that it forms two or more lincoln-log sized craps in the toilet, which could make a log cabin if desired.2) Log Cabin Republicans and anything they have to say.

cabin crew meaning

A group of three or more gay men in a public, social setting. Often these individuals are outgoing and eager to please those around them. Much like a group of birds is referred to as a 'flock,' a group of gay men are also referred to as a 'cabin crew.'

Cabin Crotch meaning

'Cabin Crotch' A condition caused by sitting in one place for long periods of time.Symptoms: Warm crotch area accompanied by a musty, funky woft, due to poor air circulation and long periods of sitting down.Sometimes an irritating itch within the crotch area would often indicate that its time to get out of your chair and have a little walk around, to perhaps 'vent' the area and relieve agitation caused by the stress of being seated..

cabin cunt meaning

The early stages of twat rot, that occurs while away from modern bathing or showering facilities. Usually afflicts women that are camping, hiking, etc. for more than forty-eight hours. Not considered a problem amongst lesbians.

Cabinda meaning

Translated from Angolian text to describe more than one vagina.