Cabin Slabbing meaning and definition

Cabin Slabbing meaning

Recieving oral sex while in a cabin, in the woods.

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cabin song meaning

the song that your cabin most overplays at camp until the melody is engraved inside your head to the point where you can't stop listening to it.

cabin stabbing meaning

An episode of rough sex involving the use of the penis as a weapon to "stab" the female.It elicits a reaction celled "agony" in Jamaican lingo, but is far from painful.Similar to daggering, but without the intervention of clothes.

cabin trim meaning

A less than desirable female that lives in small town where many of the homes are cabins. By normal standards they wouldnt be considered good looking but are decievingly attractive because of the overall lack of talent in these areas. ** Many times cabin trim can be found at the local DQ along with the one hot chick from that town.

Cabin Wench meaning

An girl so skanky to the point where she almost looks dirty and grimy in appearance. Probobly has herpes or extreme acne due to lack of hygene and sexual irresponsibility.

cabira meaning

cabira is a word that the "taga bukids" always say. it is also known as camera, but most "taga bukids" pronounce it "cabira". WARNING: do not say this infront of a filipino person or you'll die.

Cabit meaning

The habits or tendencies of any living being that is not a cat to act catlike.

cabitchulate meaning

Verb: The act of yielding or giving into your wife or girlfriend.

cabitchulation meaning

Giving up but still bitching and whining about the unfairness of it all.

cabito meaning

A small child. Dinner and entertainment, all in one package! Though there are multiple ranks of Cabito, only one is said to have reached rank Q. Sought after by Filipino Science Teachers.

cabizzle meaning

Hungry to the 10th power. Hella, hella, hella, hella, hella, hella, hella, hella, hella, hella hungry.