cachi cachi cachi meaning and definition

cachi cachi cachi meaning

People Fucking sucking and blowing each other

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Cachichas meaning

A Chavacano word meaning smelly feet

Cachie meaning

One who loves the cock; A ghetto-ass van driving in the closet homosexual; A man you do not leave your children around; See also Chupacabre.

cachifa meaning

(Maid) Venezuelan word for maid or women that work in house cleaning

Cachilyo meaning

A word you would say to ur motha!

Cachimba meaning

Also known in the english vocabulary as "hookah". An amazing smoking device that lets you mix your choice of herbs and smoke them by using a water filter.

Cachimbe meaning

A glass pipe or "bowl" used for smoking marajuana. Cachime is "bowl" in creole.

cachimbiar meaning

A central american description to cause bodily injury to an individual with an aggressive nature. Latin Bay Ent.

cachina meaning

slang term for vagina

cachinate meaning

To laugh loudly and obnoxiously.

ca ching meaning

used in situations requiring an exclamatory remark similar but far superior to the expression "cha ching"