Cack Draft meaning and definition

Cack Draft meaning

When you open the door to a toilet that still has the pungent odour of poo which rushes toward you.from the british term cack and backdraft

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cacked meaning

The act of finishing a bowl of marijuana.

cacked out meaning

Used in extreme sports, to add emphasis to a particularly styled or big trick.

cackel meaning

A laughing fit were it is basicly impossible to stop laughing. This could result with spit coming from the mouth and unable to breathe.

Cacker meaning

It just simply means footwear

cacker juice meaning

a drink traditionally drank by cackers ( otherwise known as Lambrini) whilst engaging in sexual intercourse with underaged chavs.

Cacker Whacker meaning

A tool or heavy blunt instrument used for whacking cackers.Often in the form of a half inch socket extension bar, Baseball Bat, Maglite style torch or any other item with similar weight and length. Usually kept behind the driver's seat of one's car or by the front door at a home and used mostly in self defense.It is also known to be another variation of the wider used and more poular term Nigger Beater.The term 'Cacker Whacker' has evolved from local dialect of the southern counties of England, in areas close to the Dorset/Hampshire border, and thought to have originated in the New Forest villages of Bransgore and Thorney Hill. This is where the Cackers run rife and Cacker Whacking, although illegal, is considered to be socially acceptable.To be found in posession of a Cacker Whacker in your motor vehicle is considered by English law to be a criminal offence. That is if the officer believes that the tool or instrument is there soley for the pupose of cacker whacking. This is why heavy item are used, but those with an alternative primary function ie a baseball bat to play baseball with. Acceptable if you have the accompanying ball in your vehicle, offensive weapon without. To avoid any conflict with the law, the suggested place for your Cacker Whacker is in the boot (Trunk) of your car where the police often overlook such items. However should you feel the need to keep it within arms reach be prepared to have to answer quetions if stopped by the police.

Cackeyed meaning

Totally Drunk and wasted-- beyond the point of comprehension.

cackfapped meaning

given to masturbation with the left handcf sinisterbation

cack gabbler meaning

a cocksucker

Cack Gash meaning

Cack meaning shit, faeces or poo. Gash being a womans reproductive organ or vagina. Cack gash invariably means a vagina that has been covered in a man or womans shit. This usually happens when a man, after deciding against sex, opts to shit over the ladys vagina. The lady can become incensed and throw fits of rage as a result.