cacking meaning and definition

cacking meaning

laughing so hard you shit yourself

cacking meaning

1. To defecate - the process of emptying one's bowels of feces. 2. Laughing very hard.

cacking meaning

Cracking, it's know as fucking or going to fuck Another word similar to this is cacked which means your higher than a mother fucker.

cacking meaning

The sound cats make while bird or animal-watching.

Read also:

cacking it meaning

When you're really worried about something, shitting yourself.

cackins meaning

(adj.) crazy in a good way, brilliantly insane

Cackin the squirrel meaning

to masterbate in the most pleasureable way while making squirrel like noises. usually to continue wackin your pudd even after one has cummed

cack joust meaning

1.To thrust with an erect male penis

cackle meaning

The laughter of a witch.

cackle backle meaning

a gay mans sex organ (manginer) or arse.

cackleberry meaning

Cackleberry was a well used slang word for egg during the 1950s

Cackle Bladder meaning

Grifter slang for faking of your own death. Refers to the use of a chicken blood bladder to simulate violent death by stabbing, shooting, etc., although can refer to any faking of your own death by extension.

Cackled meaning

A term used to describe one who is high on a speedy drug.

cackledrunk meaning

when you are so drunk that you think you laugh normally but you actually cackle