cackman meaning and definition

cackman meaning

One that gets laid often. Another word for cocksman. The original "Cackman" grew up in Opp, Alabama and was named by friends in the early 70's because he was known for always having a girl around and didn't mind sharing. One that likes to screw a lot.

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Cack Meast meaning

Results from a Pap Smear displayed on an overhead-projector.

cackmo meaning

The combination of the words cack and homo.

Cack muncher meaning

A person who likes to suck on cacks to an extent of munching on them for means of a snack

cacknbolls meaning

brandon mcleod, sometimes shortened to cackn or cackn(some other nickname.)

Cackne meaning

The condition of having bumps or acne on your cack (cock). The term cack derives from a New England spin on its word of origin, cock.

Cacknoob meaning

A useless new player cack = cr*p noob = new player

cack on the cob meaning

When u poo on a stick and sell it on for food.

cack packer meaning

A homosexual, with reference to the act of sodomy.

cack passenger meaning

(noun) fanatic, zealot, sheep, follower..

cack pipe meaning

noun. The anus. The poo chute.