caeruleus pilaglobus meaning and definition

caeruleus pilaglobus meaning

A medical term pertaining to the condition where an individual's sexual urges begin to rise (whether wanted or unwanted) but they cannot indulge them. This can be due to a purposeful stimulation but the progress of advances is withdrawn (see cock block) or because the context of the development of this condition allows it to be agitated but not realized. Although much more frequent and typically more severe in men, this condition is not limited to any gender.

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caerwyn meaning

Often gay, usually falls in love with younger girls, always simplistic and has a square head, Caerwyn's are always friendly to the youngers and will give them a touch if he feels their lonely. Person 1: Oh look who's that? Person 2: That's Caerwyn! He'll try and make love to you if you're under the age of 12 so hide your kids and hide your kids.

Caes meaning

Caes- Strong, handsome, outgoing, funny. The best at everything he does, a Caes is able to roll with the flow or get the party started. He may seem unattainable almost aloof, but once you step across his boundery line this Golden child is all warmth and security. Will always be there just call him.My Caes is the best 1 ever made :)

Caesar meaning

The shredder A man you can trust A guy that will go the extra mile to make sure everyone has a good time A guy that is known for beating that slampiece between the legs with his hard eight. A guy that knows no boundaries when drinking and acts like a fool The most crusty of the crustacious A solid dude that will fuck your mind with his mental cock of intelligence.

caesar anele meaning

explosive orgasm

Caesar Chavez meaning

1. n. Latin-American labor activist that fought for farm worker's rights in the 60's and 70's. 2. n. The street formerly known as "Army" in San Francisco, where a scene from the "Bullitt" chase was filmed and @ 3rd is a well-known skate spot. 3. n. The Student Center at San Francisco State University. 4. n. A Bay Area holiday (March 30th) 5. adj. A term used to reference anyone of latin decent that stands for a cause, or anyone that fights for farm workers' rights.

caesar cipher meaning

An encryption system in which the alphabet is rotated anywhere from 1-26 characters causing the word to be harder to read but solvable through simple substituion invented by Julis Caesar.

Caesare meaning

Like, the coolest person EVER. She's so tight, and there's nothing you could possibly do to make yourself cooler than her. Plus, she'll understand if you have to go to the skate park in a helmet.

caesarean haircut meaning

1. A short hair style, with the hair combed forward (in some cases to disguise a receding hairline), effecting a resemblance to various busts or portraits of Caesar.2. A surgical procedure that removes some of the baby’s hair during birth.

Caesarean section meaning

A ritualistic birthing method practised almost universally among humans in the western hemisphere and most of Europe. Also known as a "c-section".In a Caesarean section, the fetus is extracted through a large vertical incision usually going from the naval to the pubis mons. This method of birthing does not result in the usual birth-related stretching of the vagina, thus preserving what many hold to be a sacred orifice.

Caesarian Section meaning

a Caesarian Section is where a doctor puts a hole in a pregnant woman's uterus to make the baby come out, instead of the normal way. many women choose to do this to "keep their pussies Snapper ready".