caffer lover meaning and definition

caffer lover meaning

Derived from Soth Africa: white person who loves / likes black Africans or people of ethnic groups

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caffery meaning

bad boy from Louisiana aka big daddy

caffetine meaning

Drinkable cigarettes in coffee form.

Caffey meaning

1. Verb. To put forth a ridiculous bare amount of effort in the attempt to get away with doing nothing at all2. Verb. complaining constantly about nothing at all to anyone who will listen even though you they don't give a flying fuck. You can't get a word in edge wise when talking to this person.3. Noun. a large, especially smelly poo that you have been waiting to get rid of for hours and gives you a great sense of relief to be rid of

Caff Hughs-Zaner meaning

When, in the course of a devil's threeway, one man engages in anal sex with the woman while the other man vigorously licks both of her nipples.

Cafficiency meaning

the enhanced efficiency provided by caffiene

Caffidiot meaning

An individual who goes out of their way to make it apparent to you what their current "caffeine Level" is at. Or an individual who when asked "how are you doing?" will always reply with some reference to if they have had any caffeine recently or not.

caffie meaning

abrv. of caffiene

caffience meaning

caffience-the essence of caffiene

caffiend meaning

Somebody who drinks way too much caffiene

caffiending meaning

the absolute need for caffeine intake. normally occurs in the morning before anything deemed productive can take place.