cage match meaning and definition

cage match meaning

a gimmick match in pro wrestling

cage match meaning

A Nicholas Cage film (not movie, any movie with Nick Cage is instantly promoted to film) marathon.

cage match meaning

Competition against your opponent to post pictures of Nicolas Cage in unsuspecting places.Inspired by a "Cage Match" posted on Imgur between a mother and her daughterUse of images from the subreddit: r/onetruegod (All Hail Nicolas Cage!) is strongly encouraged.

cage match meaning


cage match meaning

Round after round of meaningless sex with someone you are extremely sexually attracted to.

Read also:

Cage Monkey meaning

A system administrator who works in a datacenter.

Cage Moosh meaning

The bodily fluid known as sperm, or cum before being exaculated.

cage nigga meaning

a nigga locked up in jail

caGenious meaning

Someone who is uber smart. Smarter than a Genious

Cage of twats meaning

Collective noun used to describe a group of socially inept and nauseating people. In extreme circumstances it can be used in the singular form i.e a cage of twat.

Cageophile meaning

(n.) one who is attracted to the actor Nicolas Cage.

Cageot meaning

French word for an ugly woman, like a minger. originally means a wooden crate to carry vegetables

Cage out meaning

When someone who used to be really cool and do lots of interesting things begins to become lame and/or boring, as Nicolas Cage has done with his recent movies.

Cage-owl meaning

A butt-ugly, fat chick, that you will only pick up when you are drunk.

cage party meaning

a cage party is a party held in a "bigass cage". there is usually a "bigass bong" in the middle of the cage. all the wild party animals dance in side the cage. all the losers dance outside of the cage. all the crazy mofos dance on top of the cage. party on.