Cah Weebs meaning and definition

Cah Weebs meaning

It is a word that basically replaces the readilly used word chill in the laxer's vocabulary. It is used as a response to a question as an infirmative

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Cahx meaning

1. Another Word For "Dude" Or "Bro". 2. You Can Also Use This Word In Place Of Swearing In School Without Teachers Knowing What You Mean. 3. Finally A Term You Can Use To Call Someone. (Not Like On The Phone "Call")

Cahz meaning

cahz is C ah Z wich the meaning is crazy.

CAI meaning

A sexy, amazing , caring, loving boyfriend

Caia meaning

Caia is incredibly gorgeous. Guys fall at her feet & girls want to be her. Caia's may seem stuck up & mean at first glance, but are the most kind-hearted people ever. Caia's have nice sexy curves. Caia's are the most fun people to be around.

Caibola meaning

Cancer, Aids, and Ebola.

caibs meaning

a fucken mad cunt

Caic meaning

Irish word, to describe something that is crap or sh*it!

caicorn meaning

Caicorn is the fictional portmanteau that refers to a reletionshipo between the character Cain (the father of murder) and corn off the CW hit television show Supernatural.

caide meaning

A person who gets fucked in the ass a lot by those around him.

Caide Curtis meaning

A fat loser who loves getting pounded in the ass by his step dad.