cakeholder meaning and definition

cakeholder meaning

One who wants to "have his cake and eat it too"

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cake hoover meaning

Fat person

Cake Horn meaning

An expression for when someone won't shut their pie hole. Coined by Fez Whatley on "The Ron & Fez Show" in early 2014.

cake, ice cream and pony rides meaning

A phrase used to describe the extreme innocence and purity of a person's true character. Whether it be obvious, or latent.

Cake Icing Baster meaning

To finish in a condom when you are having sex with a girl, and then poking a hole in the tip of said condom and then squeezing the splooge out in any pattern you see fit.

Cake in a Bowl meaning

An expression used to show optimism, and that everything is alright. It came from Mount Allison University, when students noticed a pile of mush that resembled a cake broken and smashed into a bowl with whipped cream on top.

cake in a mug meaning

The literal spawn of Satan. Seems tempting, but should be avoided at all costs. Tastes like a failed Chemistry project from 7th grade. That shit looks nice at first, but when you stick it in your mouth it's like a wild koala just shit inside of you. MUST NEVER TRY. SAVE YOURSELVES. EAT BRICKS BEFORE EATING THIS WITCHCRAFT.

Cake Incident meaning

The Cake Incident is when a poisonous cake was brought to East Cobb Middle School in East Cobb County (duh), Georgia. The reason is, two girls were pretty bored and there is nothing funner than baking a cake containing play-doh, medicine, and such in it. Oh, and bleach. Suprisingly enough, some kids who the girls offered the cake to got sick. This gave ECMS some airtime on CNN and it became the weirdest school in the world.

cakeing meaning

buying everything for another person

cakein it meaning

always talkin to yo boyfriend or girl or always being hugged up with them