calligidentations meaning and definition

calligidentations meaning

marks you get on your forehead when you fall asleep at the keyboard

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calligraffiti meaning

A form of graffiti that only involves appealing flowing letters like calligraphy.

Calligraful meaning

The act, or personality trait, of being good at the art of calligraphy.

Calligrafy meaning

Calligrafy is a mixture of Calligraphy, Art, Graffiti, Fashion and Culture on a whole. The main stay of Calligrafy is... Calligraphy (Arabic, Japanese, and Urdu).

calligram meaning

a beautiful letter or symbol.

Calligraphic meaning

Displaying calligraphy

Calligraphist meaning

Calligraphist is a underground hip-hop artist considered to be one of the top lyricists in the genre. He is often associated with constant involvement of punchlines and the frequent use of wordplay.

Calligraphize meaning

The act of writing calligraphically. (Calligraphically IS actually a word)!

calligraphobe meaning

a parranoied fear of non electronic writing methods, most common within IT industry

calligraphy meaning

the martial art of writing gracefully as a means to spiritual insight and physical invulnerability - which I suck at, by the way

calligraphy on ass meaning

when a man attempts to writes his name on a woman's ass or buttocks during ejaculation, such that it appears as though he has made broad strokes using his penis as a fine-tipped pen or paintbrush.