camelgram meaning and definition

camelgram meaning

A fully-grown camel that is delivered to a friend either as a gift or just to send that person a fully-grown camel.

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Camel Grease meaning

The sweaty greasey substance in the crevace of a vagina.

camelguard meaning

The patch of fabric in the crotch of yoga pants to prevent a camel-toe.

Camel Gunt meaning

Fat woman wearing really tight pants.

camel hair meaning

Those wisps of hair that poke out of a womens panties or bathing suit bottom.

Camel Hammock meaning

The unfortunate situation in which one is exhibiting a camel toe whilst their pants are riding up their back side.

camel hand meaning

when your pants and underwear squelch up uncomfortably into your butt crack creating a slight amount of suction. this leads to redness and chaffing (in extreme cases underwear is sucked up the buttocks and travels backwards through your organs. The garment ends up coming out of your ear, giving the panties a waxen glow.) your , best cured removing the garments and applying liberal amounts of vinegar. the acid counters the skin irritation.

camel head meaning

smelly head/neck/ears/hair... i.e., your head smells like ass. camel ass. VAST amounts of methane, gross.

Camel Heel meaning

A view of the infamous camel toe from behind.

camel hiskul meaning

What Julian Joseph is.

camel hoe meaning

filthy muslima bitch or whore