Dacheated meaning and definition

Dacheated meaning

when the cheat attacks one with a baseball bat. also hsr says it on an email

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da cheese meaning

What a baby says when learning how to ask for a piece of mozzerella.

DaCheeseLord meaning

(n.) Another name for someone who is the best at everything, including Halo 3.

Dachel meaning

An insult used to describe a mentally handicapped person.

dachelise meaning

To improve something to make it easier and better !Your way!

Dachelle meaning

A spoiled, humble, and generous person. A person who always has things before anyone else and, doesn't brag about what they have. This girl is far from a mean girl.

Dachelor Party meaning

A party thrown by a dad-to-be's best friends to celebrate his pending fatherhood. This is potentially done separately, though in conjunction with one of the ladies' baby showers. Dachelor parties are a more responsible version of a typical male bachelor party, and include good bourbons, cocktails, cigars, and steaks, and other items (host's choice).

dachem meaning

at a loss for words

dacher meaning

A beautiful, unique girl, who is incredibly fun and wise.She is loud and has a lot of spunk."girls want to be her, guys want to have her"She is an honest and loving person who isnt afraid to speak the truth.She also has the following attributes: 1.Sweetness 2. Loyalty 3. Honesty 4. Kindness 5. Intelligence 6. Talent 7. Humor 8. Beauty 9. Sarcasticness 10. Cleverness 11. Contagious Happiness ** She is hard to come by, therefore she is a keeper**

dachevs meaning

The joyfull act of takeing a dump on your partners face.

da chi meaning

The Ghetto way of saying Chicago.