Dadda meaning and definition

Dadda meaning

A Dadda is used to describe those girls who dress in the tight paints with their boyfriends oversized T-shirts or Jerseys and The "Dadda" brand shoes. Generally the Dadda has a child or two as well, usually by different fathers.

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daddamize meaning

To read what's on someone else's screen over their shoulder, without their permission.

Dad Dance meaning

A series of gyrations typically preformed by the patriarch of the white, suburban, middle class family that involves two main movements; the front-back step involving a snap of the fingers and the alternating fist pump. This ritual dance is preformed by the patriarch when attempting to: "groove", "get down with one's bad self", or embarrass the children.

dad dancing meaning

a groooovy, down-with-the-kids dance, often performed by the senior members of the brides family at her wedding reception. adopted by adoloescents mocking their fathers when they have gone to the buffet. the foundations of the dance lie in the bent knees and elbows, accompanied by the elbowing of invisible children (or dwarves) on alternate sides and stamping on the invisible little people when they are on the floor. all to a beat, of course.

daddaries meaning

Male mammaries; man boobs, bitch tits, moobs, dog udders. Unsightly pectoral lard reservoirs on a pie-hider, usually found over a gock.

daddario meaning

This is when you have been been railed in the ass my a gigantic blackman.

dad date meaning

When two friends that are both dads take their kids out in public together

Dad Deal meaning

A deal or a bargain only a dad would find in a hardware or home improvement store, such as Home Depot or Harbor Freight. Such deals include power tools 90% off, or lumber to build that deck in the yard for 75% off.

Daddeh meaning

Happy birthday dad!

Daddelgott meaning

<german, noun> 1. a) A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the gaming universe, the principal object of faith and worship in digital religions. b) The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being. 2. A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some (mostly small) part of nature or more probable virtual reality. 3. An image of a supernatural being; an idol. 4. A very handsome man. 5. A powerful ruler or despot. 6. An individual persecuted for his superior skills or intellect, most often by people who fear and envy him.

Daddeling meaning

when a couple are so into each other, they ditch all of their friends, and family members for each other, becuase they are totally obsessed with one another.