Daedroth meaning and definition

Daedroth meaning

Rogue from the northern regions on a quest to find the orb of discrepancy and ganja...can be found often collecting way too many condoms, and creeping on Japanese exchange students that barley talk English...leading to a restraining order. Likes everything Russian and especially not very good looking Chinese lesbians."im an army man, fuck ya"

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daeds meaning

(a)deads is a spastic person that leads a simple life and is unemployed.

DAEDTF meaning

pls dont google

Daeflhaire meaning

When your Ass hair grows into your back hair, grows into your neck hair, grows into your regular hair.

daeful meaning

overcome by sexual urges; horny (but a way cooler word than horny)

daefum meaning

Anybody that you do not like. For some people, a daefum can be someone who is bougie. For others, a daefum can be a racist or an emo. It all depends on the person.

daeg meaning

A creepy kid who kills his sister and has a stripper for a mom

Daegaladh meaning

1. noun, it is the word used by the elves to design an elf who turned into a dark elf.2. noun, a famous elf who left his community in order to gain evil powers from the dark elves.3. adj, perfeccionist, powerful.

Daegan meaning

1:A communist. 2:Something insane that can't be described.3:someone with the ability to mindfuck someone.

daegan souder meaning

The act of getting feces in your mouth due to a person shitting in it and having your mouth fucked.