Dafaq meaning and definition

Dafaq meaning

Something like "...The Fuck?!"

Dafaq meaning

Shortened form of The Fuck. Also used instead of What The Fuck. Pronounced as "the fuck".Shortened by people, who do not want to, or at the moment too annoyed to, pronounce the whole phrase "what the fuck".Shortened also because it can be typed faster and/or to avoid explicitly typing the word "fuck".Usage same as the words fuck, the fuck and what the fuck...

Dafaq meaning

Trying to say what the fuck when something shocking or weird happens .

Dafaq meaning

What in the actual f**K!?

Read also:

Dafark meaning

Short form for WHAT THE FUCK.

Da-fat-boy meaning

A big fat BaStErD that likes to take the mick out of others well how do you like it batty

dafatpo meaning

means Drunk As Fuck About To Pass Out

da fat rat wit da cheese meaning

A.) someone who freeloads and gets of scott-free without having to pay for everything. Derived from the expressing "fat rat in a chees factory" B.) a person whose rolling in dough

Da Fauq meaning

Polite way for writing 'What the fuck?', useful when posting in newspaper forums or other internet boards where curse words are not allowed

dafawk meaning

its like WHAT THE FUCK!? ..only short n sweet.. say it when confused..

DaFaygo meaning

A silly mexican with excellent guarding ability.

dafaz meaning

A formal way of saying "I'm going to hit you"hella extra people use this term

DAFB meaning

Dumb ass fucking bitch

DAFc meaning

Drunk As Fuck Cloverdale is when the boys in cloerdale giver and get shittered.