Dagens-A-Cogens meaning and definition

Dagens-A-Cogens meaning

A word with no meaning that is used interchangable for a word that does not exist in your vocabulary Or as a word that you know but would rather say Dagens-A-Cogens. Dagens-A-Cogens is used primarily by a select few of very chill stoners from the northwest but is spreading rapidly. Furthermore Dagens-A-Cogens is NOT and SHALL NOT be used as an insult! there are other words for that... see Dainbaits, Chobogon, Skogons-A-Bogons

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dager meaning

this word is originally a last name, but its used as a "whatever"...

dager dick meaning

Some one that has a big but skinny dick.

Dagery meaning

Human Rogue; Level 80, Bleeding Hallow (World of Warcraft) Often a daily part of Trade Chat spam. Seeks attention through others of World of Warcraft. Suspected to be a man in his late 30's without a life.

dagesh meaning

True Gangster the reall thing

dagestad meaning

The word defines a person that cant be more awesome, the people defined as a dagestad always looks the best in a crowd. they are intelligent, well educated, beautiful, strong and well dressed.

Dage The Hedgehog meaning

Name: Dage the HedgehogSpecies: HedgehogSex: MaleAge: 15Height: 100cm (3.3ft)Weight: 35kg (77lbs)Abilities: All Weaknesses: Nothing Likes: Music, fast thingsDislikes: Tears, the word "slow"Dage the hedgehog is used to be just like sonic but things happened.. he does a lot of things 3 brothers 1 sister... he never lose in a fight.. hes also the strongest hedgehog alive.. A lot of forms he has. hes a drillen.. and NEVER make him mad

dagfag meaning

1. A person who abuses the use of daggers.

Dagflabbit meaning

Coming from Alexander the Great, and his wife Alexandra, it originated in Greece. Alexander used it in place of a particular cuse word. It is commonly used throughout the United States, Australia, and in various countrys around Europe. It is the propper substitute word for an obvious profane word.

Dagflib meaning

Acronym for Dumb Ass Goofy Fruitloop Looking Boy. A male that acts like a fool on a tinder date.

dagg meaning

Its pretty much a word you hear around Canada, mainly by the Toronto Punjabi diaspora to say "dog" or "dawg"...... it sounds best when said by B Magic the Rapper aka Brown Magician (the Canadian Punjabi one, not the black freestyler);