Damn tootin Vladmir Putin meaning and definition

Damn tootin Vladmir Putin meaning

To strongly agree with a statement

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damn trippy meaning

quite correct (with an funny/sarcastic tone)

damn twinkie meaning

A person of Asian ancestory who tries to act like a white person - yellow on the outside, white on the outside.

damn ugly meaning

his ego concededes him.

Damn u look tired meaning

What you think about those people who look 10 years older than they are.Not to be confused with those people who look 10 or more years younger than they are (without surgerical enhancements).corrosion of negativity and being sedentary in life, manifesting from the inside out.Describing people who are afraid of living and are therefore dying faster than is normal. You can often overhear these people say that they are going to get Cancer.Can also refer to those that wear too much makeup, drink too much, or do anything that keeps that "old" look to them.Definitely describing people who eat poorly, desperate to "think" young, or are stuck in the same circle of filth that they have lived in for years.

Damnuts meaning

Damnuts is similar to "damn," as an expression of anger, surprise, or frustration, but with more emphasis, it is a combination of "oh nuts!" and "oh damn!"

Damnwell meaning

a combination of east and dware that still wouldn't have as many ppl as rfms or rms

damn well please meaning

1. What people do when they know better. 2. What a corporation or government remains free to continue to do after being convicted of criminal activity that would have been a capital offense if an individual had been convicted of it. See also committee and bureaucracy.

damn whore meaning

Person that unlike the whore (who gives it to everybody), gives it to everybody but you.

Damnwich meaning

A Damn Good Sandwich

damn with faint praise meaning

To imply condemnation of someone by praising them for utterly unimportant details. From Alexander Pope's Epistle to Doctor Arbuthnot (1733): "Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, and, without sneering, teach the rest to sneer."